Spotlight On… National Air Ambulance Week

Could you spare some time this September to help your local life-saving charity?

If so, the staff and volunteers from Essex & Herts Air Ambulance (EHAAT) would love you to join them during National Air Ambulance Week (NAAW) which runs from Monday 9th to Sunday 15th September, raising awareness and collecting donations for the Charity.

This annual initiative sees air ambulance charities from Scotland to Cornwall working together to publicise their work and raise funds. The UK’s air ambulance charities are funded by the generosity of the public and treat over 25,000 patients a year. Across the UK an air ambulance is deployed every 10 minutes.

Throughout September EHAAT’s ‘Collection Crew’ will be at pre-arranged locations across Essex and Hertfordshire speaking to members of the public, collecting donations and selling pin badges.
Jon Rodriguez, Head of Fundraising at EHAAT said: “National Air Ambulance Week is a great opportunity for us to talk to people in the community about how their donation really does make a difference.”

“It costs in excess of £750,000 a month to cover all our costs and without access to National Lottery funding and only limited support from government we depend on the people of Essex and Hertfordshire to remain operational and saving lives. If you could spare just two hours to help us during this important week to assist at one of our collection points, we would really appreciate it.”
EHAAT, unlike NHS emergency services, is a charity providing a free life-saving Helicopter Emergency Medical Service for the critically ill and injured of Essex, Hertfordshire and surrounding areas.

Each critical care team consists of a pilot and co-pilot, a pre-hospital care doctor and a critical care paramedic who can be rushed to the scene of an incident with life-saving support equipment to deliver advanced clinical care that is normally only found in the hospital emergency department. Once stabilised, the patient will be conveyed by air or land to the most appropriate hospital for their needs.

To find out where EHAAT staff and volunteers will be collecting during National Air Ambulance Week, or to volunteer to help, contact the EHAAT fundraising team on 0345 2417 690 or visit: